ICS provides in-person and online courses developed for individuals discerning their call to ministry and those seeking Christian education for personal or group formation.
This course supports individuals discerning a call to ordained diaconate or lay licensed ministry in the Episcopal Diocese of Central Florida. It offers a thorough introduction to the theological, spiritual, and practical aspects of these vocations, including orientation on requirements and steps in the discernment process for effective ministry.
After successfully completing the Thirdmill course, Old Testament Narratives, students will learn how to demonstrate an understanding of the instructional elements of the course such as background, purpose and content, and be able to apply these for future use as a deacon or lay minister in the church.
This course explores the nature of vocation and discernment within the Episcopal tradition. Students will learn about the roles of lay people, bishops, priests, and deacons. Participants will investigate their call to ministry through engaging discussions, collaborative group activities, and reflective individual exercises.
Those discerning a call to the diaconate in the Diocese of Central Florida receive high-quality biblical and theological training through a combination of in-person classes with faculty from the diocese and online certificate program courses through our Thirdmill partnership. In addition, online Thirdmill courses are available for those seeking general Christian education, licensed lay ministry, and for clergy seeking continuing education.
The Foundations Certificate provides foundational courses in theology, as well as Old and New Testament.
Our Certificate in Biblical Studies covers additional courses in the Old Testament and New Testament.
The Certificate in Theological Studies covers additional courses ranging from systematic theology to Christian ethics.
Deacons serve as a vital bridge between the Church and the world. They are ordained members of the clergy who embody Christ’s servant ministry within and beyond the Church. While priests are charged with shepherding God’s people, deacons are called to be agents of God’s compassion and reconciling grace in the world, while bringing the needs, hopes, and concerns of the world to the Church. Their role is unique, symbolizing Christ’s servanthood in the liturgy, the community, and in their advocacy for a just and caring society.
Learn more at our 2024 Conference on Ministry, Saturday, August 24, 10 a.m. at Church of the Messiah in Winter Garden. Hear presentations from the Rt. Rev. Dr. Justin S. Holcomb, diocesan staff, priests, deacons, and Commission on Ministry members. Contact Archdeacon Julie Altenbach to learn more.
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